Vortex Swimming

Vortex Swimming stands for: Velocity Oriented Racing Team Equals eXcellence, in swimming and in life!

Vortex Swimming is committed to creating champions in and out of the water. We believe that all of the skills learned in swimming to become a champion in the water, are exactly the same skills needed to be a champion in life; a productive, successful citizen of one's community. 

Through adherence to the precision pressure propulsion technique, swimmers learn to be precise in all that they think, say, do and feel. All actions have consequences, especially in water, since water reacts to everything. Through the application of perfect technique (precision); the force with which that technique is applied (pressure); and the speed with which that pressure is applied (propulsion), swimmers become champions. 

Swimmers learns how to control their bodies; focus their minds; manage their emotions; gain knowledge and understanding on how to master success and failure gracefully.

<p>Vortex Swimming stands for: <strong>V</strong>elocity <strong>O</strong>riented <strong>R</strong>acing <strong>T</strong>eam <strong>E</strong>quals e<strong>X</strong>cellence, in swimming and in life!</p>
<p>Vortex Swimming is committed to creating champions in and out of the water. We believe that all of the skills learned in swimming to become a champion in the water, are exactly the same skills needed to be a champion in life; a productive, successful citizen of one's community.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Through adherence to the precision pressure propulsion technique, swimmers learn to be precise in all that they think, say, do and feel. All actions have consequences, especially in water, since water reacts to everything. Through the application of perfect technique (precision); the force with which that technique is applied (pressure); and the speed with which that pressure is applied (propulsion), swimmers become champions.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Swimmers learns how to control their bodies; focus their minds; manage their emotions; gain knowledge and understanding on how to master success and failure gracefully.</p>