Individual Apartments

The following information is from the Oklahoma Department of Human Services. To learn more about Assisted Living, visit their website  here

Assisted Living

Assisted Living is provided to individuals with intellectual disabilities who do not receive services through a Home and Community-Based Services Waiver and require minimal staff support to live safely in their own home. 

Access by service recipients to Assisted Living supports is contingent upon:

  • Availability of sufficient resources;
  • A determination of eligibility per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:100-3-1; and
  • A determination by the provider agency of the person's appropriateness for Assisted Living supports per (c) of this Section.

Pre-Placement Requirements

Prior to service initiation, the provider agency assesses the consumer's ability to live safely with minimal staff supports.

  • In determining an individual's ability to participate in the Assisted Living program, all potential resources are considered to ensure the individual can financially maintain his or her home.
  • Availability of financial resources, such as food benefits, rental subsidy, income from employment, and public assistance is considered.
  • The provider agency assesses sources of transportation and leisure activities, such as family, friends, and public transportation.
  • The provider agency assists the individual to the extent necessary to establish and maintain an affordable household budget based on the individual's earned and unearned income.  The provider agency considers living expenses that provide adequate housing, food, and clothing.